OH NO ! Episode 2
Neun Kelche
Pasedagplatz 3-4 Berlin Weißensee
2020 MY ROCKY MOUNTAIN [mixed media/group of work]
2018 STABILITÄT, GERINGES SINKEN (stability, low sinking) [mixed media/group of work] part 1
Schnappschüsse (snapshots) + Offener Stapel (open stapel) I Fall/Sprung + OT + Gefieder(plumage)
2018 STABILITÄT, GERINGES SINKEN (stability, low sinking) [mixed media/group of work] part2
Schnappschüsse (snapshots) + Offener Stapel (open stapel) I Fall/Sprung + OT + Gefieder(plumage)
2017 CULTIVAR [mixed media/multi pieced installation]
Growing Box I Spitting pits in order to get a straight line I O.t. 2017 I CV I-VII I Selfportrait I, II
2015 SLASHSLASH [mixed media/multipieced installation]
THERE IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO NOT ONLY BELIEVE THAT/Give me an angle I haven't tried before. I upsidedown I Schichtungen (stackings)
Umrisse I Corners + Perfect Gradient
2015 SLASHSLASH [mixed media/multipieced installation]
THERE IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO NOT ONLY BELIEVE THAT/Give me an angle I haven't tried before. I upsidedown I Schichtungen (stackings)
Umriss(outlline) I Corners + Perfect Gradient
2015 Connecting/Separating Pattern [installation]
2013 Intro [mixed media/ two-pieced installation]
2011 home (ongoing) [room installation]
2020 SPRUNG [mixed media/group of work]
2020 MY ROCKY MOUNTAIN [mixed media/group of work]
2019 ZOOM [mixed media/two-pieced installation]
2018 STABILITÄT, GERINGES SINKEN (stability, low sinking) [mixed media/group of work] part 1
Schnappschüsse (snapshots) + Offener Stapel (open stapel) I Fall/Sprung + OT + Gefieder(plumage)
2018 STABILITÄT, GERINGES SINKEN (stability, low sinking) [mixed media/group of work] part2
Schnappschüsse (snapshots) + Offener Stapel (open stapel) I Fall/Sprung + OT + Gefieder(plumage)
2017 CULTIVAR [mixed media/multi pieced installation]
Growing Box I Spitting pits in order to get a straight line I O.t. 2017 I CV I-VII I Selfportrait I, II
2015 SLASHSLASH [mixed media/multipieced installation]
THERE IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO NOT ONLY BELIEVE THAT/Give me an angle I haven't tried before. I upsidedown I Schichtungen (stackings)
Umrisse I Corners + Perfect Gradient
2015 SLASHSLASH [mixed media/multipieced installation]
THERE IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO NOT ONLY BELIEVE THAT/Give me an angle I haven't tried before. I upsidedown I Schichtungen (stackings)
Umriss(outlline) I Corners + Perfect Gradient
2015 Connecting/Separating Pattern [installation]
2013 Intro [mixed media/ two-pieced installation]
2011 home (ongoing) [room installation]